Volt Time App iPhone 14 Front and Back (14)

Smart Charging at home

Discover how Volt Time Cloud ensures a future proof charging experience packed with freedom of choice.


Charge on the Live energy market price

With the Volt TIme app you can now charge on dynamic energy tariffs. This is made possible entirely independently from your energy contract. So any contract will work!

If you have a dynamic contract, the charger can automatically calculate a cheap charging schedule or you can set one yourself.

If you have a variable contract, you can enter a high and low time per day that the charger can take into account.

Volt Time App iPhone 14 Multiple (7)

Dynamic Load Management

Volt Time Cloud Family (1)

By monitoring your building's main fuse, the Volt Time app can dynamically control your charging speed so you can charge as quickly or as cheaply as possible!

Dynamic Load Balancing

With Dynamic Load Balancing, the charger will adjust its charging speed based on other devices in your building.

This means you can charge at maximum speeds without worrying about your main fuse blowing out.

Volt Time App iPhone 14 Tilt Left (1)
Volt Time App iPhone 14 Tilt Right (11)

Dynamic Solar Balancing

The goal of Dynamic Solar Balancing is to prevent delivering any solar power back to the grid.

By keeping track of what's happening at your main fuse (delivering or using power), our charging software will only charge when there is excess power available. This helps you use and deliver exactly 0kWh!

If you just don't generate enough solar power, you can also opt for the "Smart Solar" mode. Here you can decide a certain percentage of grid power that can be mixed into your charging session, so that you can still prevent any solar power being wasted.

Peak Shaving

With Peak Shaving, our software prevents your building as a whole from using a certain peak amount of energy. So not only do we protect your main fuse, we also prevent any additional taxation from peak usage.

Actually, it's very similar to Dynamic Load Balancing. Except with Peak Shaving, you decide in real-time what the maximum power is that your building can use! This is easily done through a slider in the app.

Volt Time App iPhone 14 Tilt Left (9)
Family Etrel

Dynamic Power Sharing

All of the above, that's including charging on dynamic energy prices, can be achieved for multiple chargers on a single location. Because a group of chargers is using a single power source, we call this "Dynamic Power Sharing".

Because Volt Time Cloud charging software also works on other brands of chargers, not just our own, you maintain freedom of choice. So if you ever want to expand your parking lot with different brands of chargers, we won't lock you in. You can still enjoy the same load management software. Just look around, Volt Time is the only chargepoint manufacturer that actively protects a future proof and flexible installation like this!

Smart Homes

Integrate your charger

Volt Time Cloud Developer Family

Our app and web portal are very easy to use. But you can go over board if youw ant to! Integrate your charger in a custom Homey flow or control it through Google Home commands. With our REST API, everything is possible. Some people have even built their own load management systems!

Volt Time Cloud Installer Family (1)

Discover all functionalities

Ease of use is the most important aspect. Apart from all the smart features, with Volt Time Cloud you can enjoy all the basics you need:

  • Manage charge cards
  • Plug & Charge / Autostart
  • See and download transactions
  • Lock your charger
  • Manage automatic updates
  • Much more!

You can find the app in the App Sotre and Google Play. And if you want to have a look already, you can visit our web portal at cloud.volttime.com.


Volt Time Source 2s chargers already have a Pro license included!

Prices are in €, inclusive of 21% VAT and per socket (per EVSE). DC chargers are charged at a double rate.


  • Backoffice
  • App
  • Dynamic Load Balancing
  • Proxy (connection service, 1 connection per charger, residential only)
  • Rest API (personal use)
Smartest choice


149 One-time
  • Everything from Basic
  • Dynamic Solar Balancing
  • Charging on dynamic and variable energy tariffs
  • Peak Shaving


199 One-time
  • Included with every Source 2s charger by default
  • Everything from Smart
  • Power Sharing
  • Proxy (up to 4 connections per charger)
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Where to buy?

Our software is free to use so you can go right ahead.

For Volt Time chargers, you can find several dedicated partners spread throughout Europe. They can assist you in finding the best solution for you. They can even help with installation.

You can just google "Buy volt time" or request a quote below.

support@volttime.com | Meer en Duin 216, 2163HD, Lisse

© Copyright 2024 Volt Time B.V., Volt Time® is a Registered Trademark.